Axis Communications

Accurate Product Data Quickly to All Partners

The challenge

Axis Communications is a global company with suppliers and partners all over the world. The ability to provide accurate product data quickly to all our partners is critical in keeping quality at the highest level while remaining fast and agile in development and production. It is also imperative to protect IP and only share the information with each of our suppliers and partners that are needed for their specific role.

The solution

With increased visibility, the teams at Axis Communications can work concurrently and close gaps – helping to save time, improve quality, and get to market faster. One of the strategies to accomplish this for Axis Communications has been and still is, a strategic enterprise system. The enterprise system’s purpose is to secure that product data exists in a single domain and that it is available on-demand and trustworthy.

This enterprise system also allows them to manage interrelated data and create an associative transformation for downstream/ upstream users.

Axis Communications never leaves anything to chance. Professional in every aspect of their business which also requires a system that allows this.


Mikael Johansson

Several types of product data

For Axis Communications it is essential to have a system that can manage several types of product data; a complete structure of the product data creates control. This enables Axis Communications to control the quality and the ability to make fast and informed decisions. Some examples of data managed by Axis Communications are 3D models, drawings as well as documents for both mechanical and electrical domains. The enabler in this case is PTC Windchill. It generates the ability to create the needed structure for product data. It helps improve efficiency by providing a single source of truth for product data across entire organizations. For Axis Communications this has meant greater collaboration between teams, which leads to increased product quality. It also creates more time to work on value generating activities rather than investing time and money in administration.

One point of accurate information

With the aim to further reduce lead times, costs and errors that generate scrap, Axis Communications continues to evolve its usage of product lifecycle management solutions. As part of this journey, communication and collaboration between external and internal stakeholders is vital. Axis Communications have opted to use PTC Thingworx as the vehicle to drive this collaboration in the direction it needs to achieve this.

Thingworx provides Axis Communications the ability to deploy data throughout all product lifecycles, and onto to suppliers and partners. Axis Communications can create applications within the Thingworx platform that displays the information that each user group needs, in a simple and easy to navigate manner. The connection to the Windchill PLM system in real-time, shortens lead times and guarantees one point of accurate information, both inside and outside the company.

Axis Communications can collect and gather the input back from different parties into one system. This helps keep track of information and the relaying of the information the correct receptor inside Axis Communications.

The outcome

A fast and agile R&D process combined with many different creators and consumers of information is highly complex and challenging process to manage. But by combining both Windchill and Thingworx, together with the support provided by PDSVISION, has helped Axis Communications manage this.

Agility and speed allow Axis Communications to bring their products to market quickly. Speed for others might mean sacrifice when it comes to quality, precision and durability, but Axis Communications continuously succeeds in their mission to enable a smarter and safer world and stay ahead of the changes taking place in today’s world!

About Axis Communications

Axis Communications enables a smarter and safer world by creating network solutions that provide insights for improving security and new ways of doing business. As the industry leader in network video, Axis offers products and services for video surveillance and analytics, access control, and audio systems.

Axis Communications has more than 3,500 dedicated employees in over 50 countries and collaborates with partners worldwide to deliver customer solutions. Axis was founded in 1984 and has its headquarters in Lund, Sweden.


Network Solutions

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Photos: Axis Communications

Axis Communication Customer Story

The Axis Communications Collaboration

Features Solutions and Services

PTC Windchill

As a hub for Product Data Management and Product Lifecycle Management


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