Reliability engineering analysis and analysis techniques

Reliability Engineering

ReliaSoft software from HBM Prenscia empowers reliability, quality and maintainability engineers to transform data into decisions. These innovative tools offer solutions for a wide range of reliability and related modelling and analysis techniques, such as Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA), FRACAS, Weibull Life Data Analysis, Accelerated Life Testing, Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) and Reliability Block Diagrams (RBD). Broadly applied across a range of industries, ReliaSoft offers the tools you need to ensure the safety, reliability and maintainability of your products and design.

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Reliasoft software provides a comprehensive platform that combines seamless solutions designed for reliability engineering analysis and related analysis techniques


    Methodologies designed to identify potential failure modes for a product or process before the problems occur.
  • Life Data Analysis / Accelerated Life Testing
    Estimate life characteristics of a product such as reliability or probability of failure at a specific time.
  • System Reliability Modeling
    Improve or optimise overall system reliability, maintainability and/or availability using logic diagrams.
  • Standards Based Prediction
    Predict reliability for systems and components (mostly electronics) based on failure rate estimates.
  • Reliability Growth Analysis
    Apply reliability growth models to analyze data from both developmental testing and fielded repairable systems.
    Report failures and/or defects and track their corrective actions

ReliaSoft software

ReliaSoft Weibull++

Complete life data analysis

ReliaSoft BlockSim

System reliability, availability & maintainability analysis

ReliaSoft XFMEA

Failure mode & effects analysis

ReliaSoft RCM++

Reliability centered maintenance

ReliaSoft Lamda Predict

Standards based reliability predictions


Web-based FRACAS

ReliaSoft SEP

Web portal for ReliaSoft applications

Industry-leading software to support DfR

Design for Reliability (DFR) can be described as a systematic, streamlined, concurrent engineering programme that supports product and process design (typically from early in the concept stage all the way through to product obsolescence) to ensure that customer expectations for reliability are fully met throughout the life of the product with low overall life-cycle costs.

The DFR process is supported by ReliaSoft software, comprising tools that integrate for storing and transferring data between applications through a centralised database.

What is Design for Reliability?

Blog – What is Design for Reliability?
DfR Process - Design for Reliability
DfR Process – Design for Reliability

Benefits for Design for Reliability

  • Significantly reduce test time required to obtain reliability metrics for a product, which can result in faster time-to-market, lower product development costs and improved designs.
  • Design accelerated tests that will be the most effective to achieve desired objectives.
  • Predict performance during the useful life (or warranty) period.
  • Compare suppliers or designs based on reliability.
  • Demonstrate that an item meets a specified reliability.
  • Proactively consider potential failures, prioritize issues based on risk and then initiate improvements early in development when modifications tend to have the greatest impact for the lowest cost.
  • Address data capture and management deficiencies to provide timely and accurate product reliability, quality and safety data.
  • Contribute to design improvements, faster product release, better service and enhanced customer satisfaction.
  • Provide a closed-loop system for managing corrective actions.
  • Generate financial rewards through better product design, enhanced control of product warranties and more efficient customer support.

ReliaSoft packages

Weibull++ – Reliability life data analysis
Lambda Predict – Standard based reliability predictions
XFMEA – FMEA and related analyses
BlockSim – RBDs, fault trees and Markov diagrams
RCM++ – Reliability centered maintenance
ReliaSoft Master Suite
DRR Suite
RAM Suite
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Customer stories for ReliaSoft

Reliability and Risk Analysis

Garrandale Rail using ReliaSoft

RAMS Analysis using ReliaSoft Synthesis at Garrandale Rail


Gaining a Competitive Edge with RAMS Analysis for Zonegreen
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Explore the ReliaSoft suite

Reliability and Risk Analysis
Systems Engineering

ReliaSoft BlockSim

ReliaSoft Weibull++ is the most comprehensive toolset available for reliability life…
Systems Engineering
Reliability and Risk Analysis

ReliaSoft Lambda Predict

ReliaSoft Lambda Predict facilitates reliability life prediction analysis based on…
Reliability and Risk Analysis
Systems Engineering

ReliaSoft RCM++

ReliaSoft RCM++ software facilitates the Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM)…
Reliability and Risk Analysis
Systems Engineering

ReliaSoft Synthesis Enterprise Portal (SEP)

Track reliability metrics and project progress. Share reliability analysis results…
Reliability and Risk Analysis
Systems Engineering

ReliaSoft Weibull++

ReliaSoft Weibull++ is the most comprehensive toolset available for reliability life…
Reliability and Risk Analysis
Systems Engineering

ReliaSoft XFMEA

ReliaSoft XFMEA software helps you discover and prioritize high risk items and focus…
Reliability and Risk Analysis
Systems Engineering


The complete platform for incident and corrective action process management with…
Explore all products – Systems Engineering

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