Realize value quickly – A comprehensive portfolio of PDM and advanced PLM applications

Increase value with PLM

PLM puts strategic focus on managing the entire lifecycle of a product from its conception, through design and manufacture, and on to service and disposal. The first step of true PLM establishes a complete Bill of Material which spans over enterprise-wide product development processes.

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PTC PLM market growth


PTC Windchill worldwide customers


PLM market size 2020


of businesses consider PLM business critical or significant


operational efficiency

PLM is the Foundation for the Product Digital Thread

Customer Insights

Company Väderstad

The PLM solution seamlessly integrates with many other systems and technologies. These other systems can make use of the product data in the PLM system. This way we avoid double work. For us, the biggest benefits of digitalization are product data quality and structure. It is also part of the insurance policy; all information in one place, trusted and up-to-date.

Anders Karlsson

Vice President IT, Väderstad

Typical benefits of implementing a PLM system

  • Reduced product and development cost.
  • Shortened time to market.
  • Improved product quality.
  • Reduced cost of prototyping.
  • Saved time and cost with increased data re-use.

PLM areas

View all PLM areas

Bill of Materials

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Change and Configuration Management

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Enterprise System Integrations

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Manage ECAD and MCAD in PLM

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Multi CAD Data in PLM

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Product Data Management

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Quality Management

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Supplier Management

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PLM products

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PTC Windchill

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PTC Windchill MPMLink

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PTC Windchill PDMLink

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PTC Windchill ProjectLink

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PTC Windchill+

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Windchill Requirements and Validation

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Windchill Service Parts Information and Instructions

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Digital transformation is everything. Get it right! Talk to us. Our team is on hand to answer your questions.

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