Enhance and improve the “design checker” role

Verify and track 3D design check processes

PTC Creo View Design Check is an optional module providing an interactive tool that is specifically designed to enhance and improve the “design checker” role, a critical step in a model-centric product development process.

Coupled with PTC Creo View MCAD, this module facilitates rapid verification of the design intent captured in the 3D model through the marking of Product Manufacturing Information (PMI) by one or several design checkers, including the ability to approve, reject or question specific design elements — all by using the real-time 3D model as the single representation of the product. Throughout the process, the entire marking history is tracked and maintained with the ability to generate design check reports.

Creo 9

Key benefits

  • Speed design cycles with the industry’s only 3D model-based design checking
  • Eliminate the time and effort required to create and verify 2D drawings
  • Ensure critical Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (GD&T) is present
  • Maintain electronic marking history of all design check cycles
  • Lower the barrier to adoption of a Model-Based Design methodology
  • Reduce the non-conformances that arise from inaccuracies in 2D Drawings

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