Increase model quality and automating the adjusting of models to meet company standards

Enforce good design quality and company standards

ModelCHECK is a unique capability within Pro/ENGINEER packages that allow customers to assist in enforcing good model quality practices, tracking company standards, and automating the adjusting of models to meet best practices standards.

How Modelcheck works

A “spell checker” for engineers, ModelCHECK automatically reviews Pro/ENGINEER files to ensure they meet customer standards and best practices. It checks each CAD file for standard information, guards against problems that make it difficult to re-use the data or manufacture the model, highlights problems directly in the model, and assists the user in fixing any mistakes or non-standard practices.

Early checking is part of the secret of ModelCHECK’s power.   Finding mistakes or discovering better ways to define a model late in the design process often leads to more labor-intensive requirements for making the required adjustments.   ModelCHECK finds those mistakes the moment a user makes them so they can be corrected on-the-fly.  In many cases, ModelCHECK can even make those corrections for the user when requested.

Because ModelCHECK can learn over time how to best build models for your company’s specific design needs, it is able to house the intellectual property of the company.  It allows design teams to store lessons they have learned about what works best and then distribute that knowledge to the entire design team. This is especially helpful for growing companies that must bring in new designers and engineers who may not be familiar with your design standards.

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