Easy-to-Use 2D CAD

A comprehensive 2D CAD system

PTC Creo Elements/Direct Drafting (formerly CoCreate Drafting) is a comprehensive 2D CAD system with powerful assembly management and 2D parametric design capabilities. Existing drawings can be easily adapted and part or drawing families can be easily created. Complex assembly structures can be visualized and managed directly in the browser. This greatly simplifies development tasks such as defining subassemblies, creating variants, and renaming design components.

You can also parameterize drawings, reuse multiple instances of a part or assembly within a drawing, specify design rules, and make complex design changes by simply changing a dimension. All of these capabilities allow existing designs to be reused more efficiently, making the overall concept development and detailed engineering process more efficient.

Datasheet Creo Elements/Direct

Creo Elements/Direct Drafting provides a powerful and productive 2D design system.

How can PTC Creo Elements/Direct Drafting help your team?

  • Easier to standardize product development and manufacturing processes by organizing 2D design elements into a structure of parts and assemblies rather than layers
  • Improved speed and accuracy by automating 2D design tasks by creating and modifying designs using intuitive visual snap points, lines, and handles
  • Easier to compare drawing revisions by clearly marking additions, deletions, and changes
  • Manual or automatic dimensioning of part and assembly features according to international and company-specific standards
  • Import and export of files in Autodesk DWG and DXF as well as 2D IGES format

Creo – Products

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PTC Creo Additive Manufacturing Extension (AMX)

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PTC Creo Advanced Assembly Extension (AAX)

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PTC Creo Advanced Framework Extension (AFX)

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PTC Creo Advanced Simulation Extension

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PTC Creo Ansys Simulation

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PTC Creo AR Design Share

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PTC Creo Behavioral Modeling Extension (BMX)

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PTC Creo Collaboration Extensions

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PTC Creo Complete Machining Extension (CMX)

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