Mathcad Prime 7.0 is here!

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PTC have released the seventh version of the Mathcad Prime calculation software which includes a range of updates, new functions and improvements including:

  • Greater input control
  • Standalone optional converter
  • Enhanced calculation power
  • More intuitive user interface

Input control 

Mathcad 7 delivers more ability to control calculations with drop-down menus for variable definitions Mathcad can also be controlled via a new feature –  A combo box a field that can be freely defined by the user.

Standalone Converter

As well as a new conversion engine Mathcad Prime now also supports the conversion of radio buttons and checkbox web controls from worksheets in Mathcad 15, selected via a converter available to users during installation as an option.

Enhanced Calculation Power

Mathcad’s Calculation powers are further enhanced with updates and improvements to  keywords for symbolic equation solving.

More intuitive user interface

Enhancements allowing for better zoom, focus and scrolling are included along with the ability to directly save worksheets in PDF format.

For more information on Mathcad – Click here


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