Delivering value with Augmented Reality

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Roger Thyrell

A conference room filled to the breaking point was the scenario when we hosted a breakfast seminar together with Prevas and LTH.

The topic was around the future of product development with a focus on augmented reality. Professor Günter Alce took the participants on a journey that gave insight into how this area has evolved and how both the academia and the organizations view AR and have adopted it.

Interesting to see and understand that something we phrased “the future of product development” goes as far back as to 90’s and even the 70’s. It puts things into perspective. Günter described and showcased a number of the projects he has been involved in and gave insight into the evolution.

Augmented Reality in Real Life

Augmented Reality can bring value to your business in many areas. In the industrial enterprise, there are use cases with rapid ROI, easy adoption, and a meaningful way to stand out from your competition. André Floreby, Prevas, and Roger Thyrell, PDSVISION, then provided their view relating to the dialogue and interaction they have with organizations on this topic.

In dialogues with the audience after the event, there were several important use cases brought to life relevant in the different organizations.

Augmented Reality Transforms Operations

The service use case was discussed based on the situation many organizations face today — an expertise shortage, triggered by retiring veterans and increasingly complex requirements. Traditional tactics for preserving expertise have diminishing returns.

When it comes to manufacturing and assembly, analytics and automation have changed the operations. AR is now transforming human processes by accelerating skills development and empowering guidance.

Companies moving big equipment from event to event for several hundreds of thousands of dollars have huge amounts to save and at the same time also generate the ability to be more informative, agile and modern. Using augmented reality to deliver digital product experiences to your customers, AR shortens sales cycles, reduces the cost of marketing and sales logistics, and immerses customers to set you apart from the competition.

I would encourage you to take a look at some of what real customers have done with AR:

Download Vuforia view from your favorite app store.
And please try this at home.

Roger Thyrell

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