Unleashing Your Inner Nature Lover: Volunteering With Our National Forests

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Matt Sweitzer joined PDSVISION US in 2023 as a part of our merger with Boston Engineering. When he is not supporting his clients, you will find him strolling in the woods or volunteering with conservation centric non-profit organizations. He has spent years working in the Clean Technology industry and volunteered at climate positive nonprofits. He has volunteered with the National Science Foundation as a technical reviewer on their SBIR grant program for the funding of early stage cleantech startups and has volunteered as a scuba diver for the Lake Sunapee Protective Association, monitoring the health of the glacial lake he lives on.

Matt’s conservationist mindset began at 17 when he earned the rank of Eagle in the Boy Scouts of America. The Boy Scouts provided him the opportunity to spend weeks at a time in nature and understand the importance of “leave no trace” methodology and minimizing human impact on our surroundings.

His passion for conservation was further fueled by his expedition in 2016 where he and his fiancé took a trip around the country and visited over 30 National Parks where he saw firsthand the impact of human interference in nature. From the massive recession in our nation’s disappearing glaciers in Montana to the destruction of our ancient redwoods in California. He knew he had to do more to preserve our National Parks for future generations.

PDSVISION, with the company’s commitment to sustainability, is sponsoring Matt to work as a steward of the Bridger-Teton National Forest. The National Forest’s 3.5 million acres of wilderness is the largest intact ecosystem in the lower 48 United States. Matt will be volunteering as a Wilderness Ambassador to educate hikers, campers, and visitors on leave-no-trace methodology, wildfire prevention, and wildlife preservation.

Matt will be living off-grid without running water or electricity in the National Forest for three months where he will be conducting and journaling his daily duties.

Stay tuned! He will provide updates on his progress with monthly blog posts all around minimizing human impact on nature and preserving one of our last and largest untouched wildernesses. We’ll post Matt’s updates here, and you can follow his activities on PDSVISION US’s Linkedin here: https://www.linkedin.com/company/pdsvision-na/ as well as his personal Linkedin page: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mattsweitzer/.

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