The Handyman and The Gentleman – AR #4 – Vuforia Expert Capture

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Pontus Blomberg

I’ve spoken recently in blogs on how AR applications (Augmented Reality) such as PTC Vuforia Chalk can provide both new and experienced workers access to real time expert knowledge whilst on the job.

The ability for a remote based expert to visually guide an inexperienced colleague or customer through a variation of tasks from simple maintenance through to health and safety, in turn increases the ability of any organization to increase customer satisfaction and reduce down time, we introduce Vuforia Expert Capture.

This “Positive Ripple” continues until it arrives at the one benefit any organizations needs to maintain to keep healthy and viable – Reducing overall costs.

The cost of Labour is one cost at the top of any organizations agenda this in turn can make it a debatable subject. So in this blog, I want to focus on the benefits AR can bring to getting the most from any organizations Human Resources Budget. I believe that AR can benefit an organization in the long term with one positive contribution – Knowledge.

The transfer and implementation of knowledge from the experienced to the unexperienced is always required to keep workers efficient and professional.

This is achieved using PTC Vuforia Expert Capture.

As an AR tool it can help transfer knowledge with the ability to take your adoption to the level of a professional publishing tool in the same practical and adoptable reality delivered by Vuforia Chalk.

In my most recent video I utilize the abilities of Expert Capture to overcome a challenge that provides a simple example of how #AR can be upscaled not just for maintenance, but a range of process’ and procedures within a growing range of organizations.

Combined with readily available technology such as the HoloLens and/or RealWear devices knowledge can be transferred and archived to be consumed by the end user via an increasing multitude of cross platform applications and hardware – via Vuforia View on HoloLens, RealWear, smartphones, tablets, and desktop or laptop computers.

Experts can record the procedures, allowing them to be hands‐free as they walk through their instructions. Especially beneficial as we have discussed before on matters of Health and Safety.  Expert Capture can benefit the requirement to provide consistent and complete compliance documentation – These same procedures recorded on Vuforia Expert Capture can be exported to Microsoft® Word documents for example.

By making it easier for the expert to provide Easier Content Creation can help an organization ensure its high‐value expertise doesn’t disappear upon retirement or job transitions. Organizations can also utilize “Access Control and Compliance” procedures rapidly and easily. For a variety of reason organizations can be required to ensure the right procedures are only available to the right people. There are many reasons a organization needs to control this knowledge.

In regards to Intellectual Property and Security, PTC Vuforia Expert Capture as part of the Vuforia Enterprise AR Suite™ – Is SOC 2 Type 1 certified can easily provide the controls relevant to security, availability, processing integrity, and confidentiality.
But a really simple and positive control I’d like focus on is it can ensure those learning, are not overloaded.

It can roll this sharing of knowledge in real time across various locations – At the same time. Vuforia Expert Capture can provide the user with information dynamically formatted and is capable of being delivered to hands‐free devices, whilst those who use HoloLens can enhance the experience via its  location awareness features.

In the next few blogs I will cover more on how PTC Vuforia Expert Capture can benefit your organization.

You can also read and see my previous blogs and videos on how Vuforia Chalk provides the basics needed to start utilizing AR as a real practical and adoptable solution to a range of videos.

Webinar – Live gARage

Join our expert AR team for a dedicated webinar where we will guide you through the benefits of using practical and adoptable AR-solutions such as PTC Vuforia Chalk and Vuforia Expert Capture.

Live gARage begins March 2nd 2021 – Click here for details

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