The Handyman and The Gentleman – AR #3 – Working Hands Free

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Pontus Blomberg

In my previous blog I explored with you how such a simple task as an onsite customer maintenance task or repair can cause unexpected problems, but in turn these problems can be resolved by using new applications such as PTC Vuforia Chalk.

The ability to empower a colleague with onsite skills as they are actually needed is already proving as we showed to be an achievable, practical, adoptable, and affordable reality.

But under more extreme, testing circumstances does the tech stand up to the task, or is the practical usage limited to a perfect, and set up scenario?

The first practical challenge is faced by us all at some time…. You need both hands.

Therefore, you need a flexible solution. One that can also keep field technicians safe and free from distraction. The impact on an individual’s safety if focused on the equipment, not the task an every day reality for many industries. The ability for your AR solution to be functional via a device that does not compromise safety is not just a practical desire or wish  – it is vital need that requires delivery from day one.

You cannot utilise such an application whilst in a confined space if the equipment to use it is cucumber some, heavy or non-uniform in size.

Even a basic, non-safety issue like where to source the power to drive the application, is not one of concern if the application can be delivered via a device that can run reliably and independently of external power.

In the past the drain on a cell phone battery may have stopped this in its tracks – but todays phones power far more consuming applications as standard – Chalk is not going to kill your phone mid task.

The uplift in the benefits AR can bring to Health and Safety are going to be cancelled out if an a Technician finds themselves having to maintain hazardous machinery or working in such environments if the equipment used to power it requires in depth configuration and monitoring.

So simply, as my previous videos in the series shows [ Available on YouTube here ], by utilising nothing more than a pocket sized mobile phone you can ensure Vuforia Chalk works in many situations and environment’s. But, the issue of working with two hands also becomes relevant – Hands free is the answer.

So simply, as my video shows – By utilising nothing more than a pocket sized mobile phone you can ensure PTC Vuforia Chalk can be used in most environment’s. Simply utilising a phones own accessories we use today, the issue of two hands also becomes obsolete – Hands free is the answer.

This is where headsets come into play.

Headsets are no longer an expensive and luxurious item with questionable durability. An ever increasing range of non-gaming headsets is creating more competition and as a result more accessible choice for the consumer.

Durability improves with every new edition, but as we show in the video – already durable enough for outdoor maintenance.

The additional headset enhances this simple application into a tool that takes care of the need to use one hand to use it, and another to carry out the tasks.

You can watch as a colleague works on an identical model in one location, and implement it directly onto yours. Not via a cucumber some laptop – via your phone and the accessories it comes equipped with as standard.

The combined with the ability  to enable experts to mark up a technician’s live view with callouts pointing to specific details, dangers, or steps to take to avoid errors and accidents makes Vuforia Chalk a practical solution to safety maintenance as well as ensuring the safety of the user.

I have not mentioned the benefits of sound as yet – But this too is an important and practical function, with a lot of focus in future development.  Audio prompts are already a workable feature and as Chalk itself is updated –  sound also will increase in user functionality.

So, not only is Vuforia a practical solution to onsite maintenance and safety, it is in itself an aid to worker safety by its ability to aid a technician without compromise, distraction or complicated set ups.

As they video shows – AR  is a practical solution in real life, and no longer just showroom concept. Vuforia Chalk has been a fundamental driver behind this change.

If you’d like to unwrap the potential of AR to help your organisation with its Digital Transformation, no need to write a wish list – contact us here. 



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