Custom Reporting using ReliaSoft Workbooks

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James Latham


In this article we would like show you some of the flexible reporting tools in ReliaSoft that can drastically increase your efficiency when it comes to repeat analysis. We will explain how ReliaSoft Workbooks facilitate this and show an example of the process.

What is a ReliaSoft Workbook?

The ReliaSoft Workbook is a custom reporting tool that is built directly into many ReliaSoft applications, including ReliaSoft Weibull++ and ReliaSoft BlockSim. The flexible Workbook interface combines two reporting modules allowing you to create re-usable reports. The modules are:

  • Spreadsheet module
  • Word Processing module


In ReliaSoft Workbooks, saved templates make it easy to reuse the same report multiple times — in different analysis projects and with different data sets. In addition to the “Standard” templates that are installed with the software, you can also create your own “User” templates that are saved from any existing report. The templates are module-specific (i.e., compatible with either the spreadsheet module or the word processing module).

Using functions in your reports

In both the spreadsheet module and word processing module in Weibull++ and BlockSim, you can build functions that return results based on an analyzed folio or diagram. The Function Wizard (choose Home > Report > Function Wizard) is an easy to use interface to help build the function formula to return the results that you want.

The spreadsheet module provides functionality similar to Microsoft Excel (with built-in functions and complete in-cell formula support), and it can be used to integrate data and/or results from multiple analyses at the same time. For example you can insert functions that perform math, date, logic and other operations with formulas using similar MS Excel formula syntax such as “=AVERAGE(B3:B9)” or “=SUM(1+1)”.

Accessing multiple data sources

When using ReliaSoft Workbooks you have the option to associate multiple data sources that can be used for any function that obtains data or results from an existing analysis. To add or remove analyses, choose Home > Report > Associate Data Sources. In Weibull++ you can select any data sheet from a folio that contains a life data analysis or a growth data analysis. In BlockSim, you can select any analytical diagram, simulation diagram or phase diagram.


The below example of using the Function Wizard will create the formula“=TIMEATPF(Default1,B4,B5)” which will calculate the unreliable life at a defined probability of failure value in Cell B4 of the ReliaSoft Workbook and for a confidence level value stored in Cell B5 of the ReliaSoft Workbook for the “Default1” data source.

Taking this simple formula further and adding in a Chart to the Workbook, a useful report template can be created, to report on key metrics – in this case unreliabiliy values for 4 difference Weibull Analyses which will dynamically update the results if the source data is changed. This can be easily reused for different projects and or saved as a template file and shared to other users.


In this article we have covered the basics of using ReliaSoft Workbooks for generating bespoke and re-usable reports in both spreadsheet and word processing formats. We specifically focused on Weibull++ and BlockSim, but reports can be used in other ReliaSoft applications too.


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